The disadvantage of using data from a single healthcare system is that the prescribing patterns and, thus, predictors of treatment may not reflect prescribing patterns Entinostat order of other health systems or of US prescribers overall. Similarly, included patents reside in a single geographic region. Thus, caution must
be made in generalizing these findings to other populations or the USA as a whole. Second, while this study did not include fractures that were most likely due to BAY 80-6946 trauma, it is still not possible from the data to ascertain if fractures were fragility related or primarily the result of an injury. Thus, fracture as a criterion for defining osteoporosis in this study may lack sensitivity and may help to explain why treatment rates were low in the fracture group. Finally, there is debate about whether antiresorptive treatment should be initiated immediately after fracture [40, 41]. One recent study showed that zoledronate did not delay union of hip fracture [42]. However, another study examining patients with a humerus fracture showed that bisphosphonate use increased the risk of non-union between 3 and 12 months after the fracture [43]. This GF120918 concentration suggests that
providers may wait for fragility fractures to heal before initiating bisphosphonate therapy. While most fractures would be healed in 90 days, the sensitivity analyses of 180 and 365 days for the treatment window indicate that the choice of a 90 day treatment window versus a longer window did not impact predictors of treatment or overall treatment rate. Conclusion In this study, we found that many patient characteristics that indicate fracture risk were predictive of oral bisphosphonate treatment in a cohort of females age 50 and older with at least one indicator for osteoporosis. Many of these associations have not been found in previous studies. However, several other known risk factors for fracture and osteoporosis were not found Casein kinase 1 to be significant predictors of treatment, and the treatment rate for those with a prior fracture was low overall. This suggests that while prescribing
patterns may be more consistent with recommendations than previously evidenced, there remains opportunity for improvement in the use of drug treatment to help avoid fractures in women with post-menopausal osteoporosis. Conflicts of interest This study was supported by the Alliance for Better Bone Health (Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi-Aventis US Inc.). References 1. Watts NB, Geusens P, Barton IP, Felsenberg D (2005) Relationship between changes in BMD and nonvertebral fracture incidence associated with risedronate: reduction in risk of nonvertebral fracture is not related to change in BMD. J Bone Miner Res 20(12):2097–2104CrossRefPubMed 2. NOF Fast Facts. 2009; Accessed 3/17/2009 3. Braithwaite RS, Col NF, Wong JB (2003) Estimating hip fracture morbidity, mortality and costs. J Am Geriatr Soc 51(3):364–370CrossRefPubMed 4.