In normal-weight people, all major nerves of the extremities, e.g. the median, ulnar, radial, sciatic, tibial and peroneal nerves, can be visualized in their entire course at the extremities. Even smaller nerves, e.g. the interosseus posterior and the superficial radial nerve, are regularly displayed. The spinal nerves C4-C8 and the supraclavicular
brachial plexus can also be visualized, but especially the inferior trunk and the fascicles are not constantly imaged in good quality. The visualization of the infraclavicular and infrapectoral brachial plexus is restricted by the clavicle and the depth of the structures. Cranial nerves like the vagal and accessory nerves, can be visualized regularly. Particularly in obese patients, the examination of the sciatic nerve in the thigh and tibial nerve at the proximal lower leg is difficult or even impossible. signaling pathway In lean people, however, even small sensory nerves, such as the saphenous, sural and superficial peroneal nerve as well as the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve can be assessed. The nerves are cable-like structures that appear on transverse sections as round to oval hyperechoic structures (Fig. 1a). They are surrounded by an echogenic rim representing the epifascicular epineurium and the perineurial fatty
tissue. The sonographic echo pattern (echotexture) is called “honeycomb-shaped” [3]. The rounded hypoechoic areas correspond Selleck Trametinib histologically
to the nerve fascicles, and the echogenic septa to the interfascicular epineurium. In large nerves a clear cable-like fascicular echotexture can be seen (Fig. 1b). With color coded sonography the epineurial vasa nervorum can be displayed in some nerves (e.g. median nerve at the distal forearm). Nerve sonography is nowadays used in all disease categories of the peripheral nervous system. The compressive neuropathies, and in particular entrapment syndromes, Amino acid are the most common illnesses. NUS allows examination of the most frequent entrapment sites in the upper extremities, e.g. the carpal tunnel (median nerve), the cubital tunnel and the Guyons canal (ulnar nerve), and the supinator tunnel (interosseus posterior nerve). In the lower extremities, peroneal nerve at the fibular head, tibial nerve in the tarsal tunnel, the interdigital nerves (Morton-Metatarsalgia) and the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve can be examined. The basic diagnostic criterion is the visualization of nerve compression, which appears regardless of anatomic location on longitudinal scans as an abrupt flattening (notching) at the site of nerve compression and a fusiform swelling proximal and distal to it (Fig. 2). The swelling is accompanied, depending on the degree of compression, by a hypoechogenicity and a reduction of visibility or extinction of the typical fascicular echotexture resulting of nerve edema.