35, 36, 37, 38 and 39 Outside the field of rehabilitation,
a number of health care intervention typologies have been developed. For instance, the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) differentiates about 3000 medical diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with the primary goal of providing a rational basis for costing and reimbursement.40 It may lump therapy approaches that need find more to be kept separate from a theory point of view (eg, therapeutic exercises [code 97110] combines isometric and isotonic exercise), while splitting interventions that may be indistinguishable from a theoretical perspective (eg, periodic preventive medicine for an adult [code 99396] vs for an older adult [code 99397]). SNOMED41 uses 11 axes (including procedures) to characterize patient information, but it does not offer a good opportunity to classify rehabilitation interventions, especially by rehabilitation team members other than physicians. The richest Epacadostat development of intervention classification systems to date is within the field of
nursing, where there are at least 4 main systems in use: the Omaha Classification System42 and 43; the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)44; the Home Health Care Classification,45 which now has grown into the Clinical Care Classification System46; and the International Classification for Nursing Practice.47 These systems differ in scope (home health nursing vs all of nursing), design (single axis vs multiaxial), stage of development,
and practical applications. Probably the best developed and most widely known is the NIC, which Casein kinase 1 was created and tested with support of a series of National Institutes of Health grants. It distinguishes 542 separate interventions in 30 classes that in turn are grouped into 7 domains. Each intervention is labeled, conceptually defined, and described using ≥1 (as many as 40) specific nursing activities that together characterize the intervention. For instance, “Pain Management” lists 43 activities, ranging from “Ensure that patient receives attentive analgesic care” to “Determine the needed frequency of making an assessment of patient comfort and implement monitoring plan.”44(p285-6) These examples make clear that the NIC activities include assessment and monitoring; the nurse activities that one might expect to actually impact the pain include direct (“Reduce or eliminate factors that precipitate or increase the pain experience [eg, fear, fatigue, monotony, and lack of knowledge]”44(p285)) and indirect (“Assist patient and family to seek and obtain support”44(p286)) ones. The NIC was developed largely inductively and was tested using Delphi processes with experts who rated domains and classes on clarity, homogeneity, inclusiveness, mutual exclusiveness, and theory neutrality.