When the impedance of each array element is till determined by sequential interrogation of each element at each frequency prior to moving to the next lowest frequency, it becomes increasingly difficult to satisfy the stability criteria because of the extended time required to complete the experiment. Similarly, transient events are more likely to Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries either be missed or misinterpreted (due to failure to meet the stability criteria) when the measurement takes a long time to perform. Finally, some applications are restricted in their power Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries availability and/or are required to function for an extended period of time on a fixed energy budget. Such applications include battery-powered or low-power sourced sensor array systems as well as systems Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries for space exploration.
For these applications, it is highly desirable if not essential to minimize the measurement duration. Thus, there are various reasons to address development of measurement-time efficient Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries techniques for broadband impedance spectroscopy for large electrode arrays.The objective of this Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries work was to substantially increase the low frequency impedance measurement throughput capability of a large channel count array analyzer by developing true parallel measurement methods. The goal of true parallel impedance measurement at frequencies less than ~ 10 Hz was achieved through development of Fourier transform-based analysis of simultaneously-acquired time-based multi-channel current and voltage data.
In addition, we demonstrate a two-pronged measurement approach consisting of the standard sequential measurement method at high frequencies (~ 1 kHz to 10 Hz) combined with the parallel Brefeldin_A method at low Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries frequencies (< 10 Hz) for measurement-time efficient broadband impedance spectroscopy of large arrays. Arrays of resistor-capacitor dummy cells exhibiting frequency-dependent complex impedance characteristics consistent with chemiresistor and other sensors were used to demonstrate the efficacy of the approach.1.1. Technique Cilengitide for time-efficient impedance spectroscopy of arraysThe current state-of-the-art array analyzer is the Model 910 Multi-channel Microelectrode Analyzer (MMA, Scribner Associates, Inc.).
The MMA is a general purpose instrument capable of DC and AC impedance interrogation of arrays with up to 100 electrodes or sensors [19]. Impedance spectroscopy measurements with the MMA are based on sequential interrogation of each array element at each frequency.
This method is referred sellekchem to as the ��standard�� impedance measurement approach. The advantage of this approach is that only one impedance analyzer is required, which substantially reduces the click this cost, size, mass, and power demand of the instrument.However, the limitation of this approach is that at low frequency (less than ~ 1 Hz), the data acquisition time can be substantial when interrogating large numbers of array elements (~ 10s of minutes to 10s of hours).