When k equals 1, then all responses are given equal weight, and this pooling operation is equivalent to averaging. As k increases, the most active neural populations will increasingly dominate the pooled response. The model fits suggested that a single value of k (k = 68, toward the maximizing
side of the spectrum) could account for behavioral performance on both distributed and focal cue trials NSC 683864 purchase because the stimulus location evoking the highest response will dominate the pooling. Recall that the contrast of the stimulus in each quadrant was assigned a random pedestal value ranging from 0% to 84%. Thus, on distributed cue trials, one of the nontarget locations should evoke the largest response on average, leading to an increase in the contrast change required
for accurate discrimination (a larger Δc). On focused cue trials, the location evoking the largest response almost always corresponded to the target because of the attention-induced additive shift in the BOLD response ( Figure 1a). Although this pooling rule could account for the results, it is critical to note that like response enhancement and noise reduction, selective pooling is not sufficient. Rather, it was the pooling rule combined with additive response enhancement that led to improved perceptual acuity with focused selleck products attention (and the same principle would apply, given other forms of response enhancement as well; see main text, last paragraph starting on page 843). This finding is particularly exciting because it suggests that biased pooling rules might enable attentional gating by amplifying relatively modest changes in metabolically expensive response enhancement, thus maximizing perceptual selectivity while minimizing energy aminophylline expenditure. One major remaining question concerns the extent to
which the value of k is systematically tied to the properties of the stimulus array. In a simple case in which only one stimulus is presented in a known position in the visual field, pooling is largely irrelevant because there is only one location associated with an evoked response during each interval. In such sparse stimulus arrays, response enhancement and noise reduction probably play a dominant role. However, k should grow with the number of competing stimuli, because maximizing the influence of attention-enhanced responses should become increasingly important as distractor-evoked responses threaten to drown out relevant neural signals. Thus, a key avenue for future research will be to determine how k changes with the size and complexity of the search set and to understand whether and when k reaches asymptote (which may determine the upper limit on the effectiveness of pooling as a means of facilitating selection).