We then examined the actual model parameters of different

We then examined the actual model parameters of different

cell types and found that different cells occupied different regions of this parameter space, such that On and Off pathways were Selleck KU 55933 distinct from each other and also from bipolar cells (Figure 8F). Bipolar cells, having a faster kfi and kfr, showed smaller changes in gain and temporal filtering. Off cells with a slower kfi showed greater gain changes and changes in the time to peak of their overall temporal filter. On cells with a faster kfi but slower kfr showed a substantial gain change and less change in the speed of the temporal filter but a substantial change in the temporal differentiation of the filter. By choosing different rates of inactivation and recovery, simple kinetic systems can produce different adaptive behavior. A number of potential mechanisms have properties that change their gain with activity, including ion channel inactivation, synaptic depression, and receptor desensitization. For AMPA-type glutamate receptors, desensitization and recovery are both rapid (<20 ms) (DeVries, 2000) and, thus, could not account for all parameters of the Vorinostat mw kinetics block. Kainate receptors do a have longer time constant of recovery

(∼1.5 s) but, again, could not account for the rate constants of slow inactivation and recovery in our model. Desensitization could, however, contribute a faster component of adaptation. An extension of the current model that accounted for desensitization would be to add a second kinetics block controlled by the output of the first. We examined whether the kinetic parameters of the LNK model correspond to the properties of synaptic vesicle pools. Comparing the parameters of the bipolar-cell kinetics block to previously measured parameters of cone photoreceptor 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase synaptic release under conditions that cause depression of photoreceptor synaptic release, replenishment of vesicles occurs with a time

constant of ∼250 ms (Rabl et al., 2006). This is substantially longer than the time constants of the bipolar-cell kinetics block, which were < 40 ms. In contrast to bipolar cell synaptic terminals, a large fraction of vesicles (∼85%) in the photoreceptor terminal are available for release (Rea et al., 2004). Thus, under the stimulus conditions chosen here, vesicle depletion may not play a major role in bipolar cell contrast adaptation. A postsynaptic mechanism has been proposed for contrast adaptation in bipolar cells that require a change in intracellular calcium (Rieke, 2001). Although this mechanism is unknown, the kinetic parameters measured here serve as an important quantitative comparison for such candidate mechanisms. However, we found a different result when comparing the kinetic properties of amacrine and ganglion cells to those of synaptic vesicle pools. Using the terminology of (Rizzoli and Betz, 2005), three pools include a RRP, a recycling pool, and a much larger reserve pool.

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