Using this model, Bennett and Smith [9] examined the perceived benefits and costs of pertussis vaccination in parents who had fully vaccinated a child (n = 85), parents whose child had partially completed the course (n = 70), and parents who refused to vaccinate their child against pertussis (n = 73). They found that ‘refusing’ parents reported significantly more concern over long-term health problems as a result of vaccination, a lower risk of their child developing pertussis if not vaccinated, and attached a lower importance to vaccination
than the other groups. Parental attitude was found to account for 18–22% of the variance in immunisation status. Other studies have used the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) [10] and [11], a well-known social Olaparib nmr cognition model, to predict parents’ intentions to immunise. According to the TPB, behaviour is determined by intention to engage in the behaviour and perceived control over performance of the behaviour. Intention is determined by a person’s attitude towards that behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. In turn, attitudes
are determined by the perceived consequences of performing the behaviour and the Rapamycin manufacturer evaluations of these outcomes (behavioural beliefs). Subjective norms are determined by beliefs about whether others would want them to perform the behaviour and motivation to comply with these expectations (normative beliefs). Perceived control is determined
by beliefs about factors that may facilitate or hinder performance of the behaviour and the perceived power of these factors (control beliefs). According to Ajzen [12], people with more positive attitudes and subjective norms and greater perceived control will have greater intentions to perform the behaviour. Using the TPB, Pareek and Pattison [5] compared mothers’ intentions to take children for either Tolmetin the first or second dose of MMR. They found that mothers of preschoolers (approaching the second dose) had significantly lower intentions to immunise than mothers of young infants (approaching the first dose). For the mothers of young infants, intention was predicted solely by ‘vaccine outcome beliefs’: parents with stronger intentions to immunise had more positive beliefs about the outcomes of vaccination and the evaluation of these (accounting for 77.1% of the variance in intention). Stronger intentions to immunise with the second MMR, however, were predicted by positive parental attitudes, prior MMR status (whether or not they had attended for the first dose), and ‘vaccine outcome beliefs’ (accounting for 93% of the variance in intention). In the Netherlands, a computer-based survey conducted in 1999 found that high vaccination intention was influenced by beliefs that immunisation was safe and the best way to protect children against disease [13].