To begin with, gene order is conserved between the Pt BACs and Pgt. However, there is a wide range of protein conserva tion. A previous comparison of ESTs of Pt and Pgt found a similar level of variation in sequence, but only 40% of the Pt EST unigenes had orthologs in Pgt. Many genes were likely missing in the unigene set because of the difficulty of sampling other Pt life stages to sufficient depth, affecting the percentage. Nevertheless, within the BAC clones, many protein identities were supported by ESTs and similar sequence variation was present. Some proteins were highly conserved between the two wheat rust fungi and had homologs in Mlp and Um. The three genes used for identifying the BACs were of most interest, in particular, the amount of variation within the sequence.
PgtRAD18 had been associated with an avirulence locus in Pgt. PtRAD18 protein length is relatively similar but the sequence has diverged from the PgtRAD18 with only 56% identity. Structurally, PtRAD18 is still closely associated with a predicted secreted protein. Pt has two genes similar to HESP 379 from M. lini. Two indels in PtHSP02 4 suggest a recombination event or splicing difference evolved since the two species diverged, while the sequence differences in the C terminus of PtHSP02 5 suggest that this region could be very variable. PtHSP04 contained a four gene locus predicted to code for secreted proteins. Two of them are unique while two are recently duplicated paralogs. Secreted proteins are believed to be most variable amongst fungal proteins because they are under the highest selection pressure to avoid recognition by the host.
At least with these examples, It can be said that sequence variation, recombination, and duplication are driving the changes in these proteins. Numerous fungal genomes have recently been gener ated, analyzed, and published. Now comparisons can be made to find core gene families associated with specific life styles and cycles. In an extensive comparison, Duplessis et al. identified core conserved genes needed for biotrophic life in both rust species. It appears that PtHSP02 6 may be one of those genes. PtHSP02 6 aligns with a G protein beta subunit and no peptide differences were found between Pt and Pgt. Furthermore, there is little difference between Pt and Mlp suggesting that this protein is under strong purifying selection in rusts.
Yet, the genes flanking PtHSP02 6 are relatively conserved indicating strong selection and the importance of this gene. In Entinostat Verticillium dahliae, mutations in GPBS had reduced virulence, increased microsclerotia and conidiation and decreased ethylene production. GPBS is also involved in similar functions in F. oxysporum. In M. grisea, GPBS mutants could not form appresorium, and hy phae could not penetrate and grow in rice leaves.