This may suggest that the head and neck tumour is promoting an im

This may suggest that the head and neck tumour is promoting an immunosuppressive environment by increasing the suppressive activity of the Treg cells. However, compared to other HNSCC studies the level of suppression observed was lower. The mean percentage of suppression induced by Treg cells is reported at over 70% by other HNSCC publications[12, 17] whereas here it was determined to be 19–31%, depending on the Treg cell population studied. Other cancer publications report varying percentages of suppression, from 42 to 80%.[13, 28, 35] In contrast, comparing the HM781-36B mean percentage of suppression observed in healthy

controls, suppression induced by CD4+ CD25high CD127low/− Treg cells (11·43%)

was similar to that reported by Strauss and colleagues by CD4+ CD25high Treg cells[12] (12%). The difference in suppression levels between studies may again be attributed to different tumour sites and Treg cell phenotypes investigated; however, it is also likely to be due to methodological variations. For example, the level of proliferation of effector T cells can be determined either through the CFSE assay[12, 15, 36] or [3H]thymidine incorporation.[28, 33, 35] KU-60019 mw Additionally, the length of Treg cell and effector T cell co-culture incubation varies[15, 35] and some studies add IL-2 to the co-culture[12, 15] whereas others do not.[28, 36] The current study is one of the largest investigations to assess Oxymatrine the suppressive activity of Treg cells in cancer patients (n = 28), consequently, it was possible to examine the influence of tumour subsite, stage and nodal status. Treg cells isolated from patients with tumours that had spread to the lymph nodes suppressed the proliferation of effector T cells to a significantly greater degree compared with those from patients without nodal involvement. These results are in contrast to the report by Strauss and colleagues, which showed no significant association

between nodal status and the level of suppression in HNSCC;[12] however, different regulatory and effector T-cell populations were used in the two studies. Nevertheless, there was agreement with Strauss et al.[12], who observed no association between the level of suppression and the stage of the head and neck tumour, as no significant differences in the level of suppression between HNSCC tumour stages, for both CD25inter and CD25high Treg cells were observed in the current study, irrespective of the effector T-cell population being suppressed. In addition, it was shown that there was no relationship between subsites and the level of Treg cell suppression.

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