This localization of IL 1B type I receptors in neurons, which has

This localization of IL 1B type I receptors in neurons, which has also been confirmed to occur in cultured hippo campal neurons, supports our observation that IL 1B can recruit various Enzalutamide MAPKs in cultured neurons, in a man ner sensitive to the inhibitor of IL 1B type I receptors, IL 1Ra. This agrees with previous reports that provided evi dence indicating that certain MAPKs, particularly p38, play a crucial role in the mediating the physiopathological effects of IL 1B in the hippocampus. Although phosphor ylation of MAPKs can also promote neuroprotection under some conditions, the present study focused only on the po tentially deleterious effects of IL 1B induced phosphoryl ation of p38 and JNK. In fact, we found that this ability of IL 1B to recruit MAPKs, including p38, is by itself insuffi cient to trigger neuronal deregulation and damage.

because IL 1B only primes neurons for enhanced susceptibility to neuronal damage, rather than itself directly triggering this damage. We directly verified that IL 1B alone was in deed devoid of neuronal effects, but was able to potentiate glutamate induced neuroto icity in cultured hippocampal neurons, in agreement with the ability of IL 1B to e acerbate brain damage in conditions involving glutamate induced e citoto icity and in agreement with the localization of IL 1B type I receptors in synapses, where ionotropic glutamate receptors are located. The present study adds a new mechanistic insight by showing that IL 1B causes a larger glutamate induced entry of calcium into neurons and a late calcium deregulation upon e posure of cultured hippocampal neurons to glutamate.

The later is of particular interest in view of the close association between late calcium deregulation and the irreversible loss of cellu lar, especially neuronal, viability. This opens new ave nues of research to e plore the underlying mechanisms of this IL 1B induced late calcium deregulation, which may be of key importance in the control of the inflammatory mediated amplification loop mediating the propagation of brain damage. As important as defining the mechanisms of inflammation associated amplification of e citoto ic neuronal damage is the identification of novel strategies to control this mechan ism, given its association with the evolution of brain dam age. We found that the blockade of adenosine A2AR blunted the negative effect GSK-3 of IL 1B on neurons. This is of particular relevance in view of the ability of A2AR antago nists to prevent neuronal damage caused by various no ious brain insults. This implies that these insults are able to trigger an increase in the e tracellular levels of ad enosine, which has already been reported to occur upon e posure to IL 1B.

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