These images clearly show that the SiNWs are fully porous, withou

These images clearly show that the SiNWs are fully porous, without any continuous Si nanowire core, but composed of small Si nanocrystals (NCs) interconnected in a Si #check details randurls[1|1|,|CHEM1|]# skeleton in their whole volume, as in the case of the porous Si films. The size of these Si NCs ranged from 1 to 20 nm. Additional evidence that the SiNWs were fully porous will be given below by considering the effect of different chemical treatments on their structure and morphology. Short SiNWs on p+ Si formed at shorter etching times are also porous; however, no porous layer at the interface of the nanowires with the Si substrate is discerned. Figure 2 illustrates the

above for approximately 1-μm-long nanowires (Figure 2a), compared to the nonporous SiNWs obtained on p-type (resistivity 1 to 10 Ω·cm) Si (Figure 2b). Figure 2 SEM micrographs of porous versus nonporous SiNWs. Cross-sectional

SEM images of (a) porous Si NWs versus (b) nonporous SiNWs. Both are etched for 6 min. In both cases, the length of the SiNWs is small (about 1 μm). The porous SiNWs are fabricated on p+-type Si (resistivity 005 Ω·cm), while the nonporous SiNWs are fabricated on p-type Si (resistivity 1 to 10 Ω·cm). Due to their small length, there is no clear evidence of the presence of an interfacial porous layer between the SiNWs and the Si substrate. Effect of different Danusertib chemical treatments As-formed SiNWs were subjected to successive chemical treatments in diluted

HF and piranha chemical cleaning. Immersion in HF removes the silicon oxide from the SiNW surface, while piranha cleaning is an oxidizing process. Figure 3 shows representative SEM images of SiNWs formed at the 20-min etching time and subsequently subjected to an HF/piranha treatment and a cycle of HF/piranha/HF treatment. The as-formed nanowires are depicted in the inset of Figure 3a. Figure 3a shows the nanowires after an HF dip, and Figure 3b, c shows the nanowires after Thalidomide successive HF/piranha and HF/piranha/HF chemical treatments. From these images, it is deduced that after the first HF/piranha treatment, the length of the SiNWs was reduced from about 6 to about 5 μm, while with the additional HF dip, the SiNWs almost disappeared and only the thicker nanowire base, approximately 1 μm in height, remained. Figure 3 SEM micrographs of the SiNWs after different chemical treatments. Cross-sectional SEM images of SiNWs formed at 20-min etching time, after different chemical treatments. In (a) the nanowires after an HF dip are depicted. The as-formed nanowires are depicted in the micrograph in the inset of (a). The nanowires after successive. In (b) and (c) the nanowires after successive HF/piranha (b) and HF/piranha/HF (c) treatments are shown. After the last treatment, the nanowires were almost fully destroyed.

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