The short transverse relaxation times in solids allow for very short noise block acquisition times and therefore permit highly efficient collection of NMR data as compared to pulse spectra, as longitudinal relaxation is irrelevant in the absence of excitation. In spite of the large number of acquired data blocks the total duration of acquisition (excluding buffer transfer times and internal spectrometer delays) for the spectra shown in Fig.
1 and Fig. 2b was only several seconds for each. These remarkably short pure acquisition times for noise spectra of static solids highlight an application potential of NMR noise detection for specialized applications to very slowly relaxing nuclei, such as, for example, found in nano-diamond powder [12]. To compensate for the non-uniform rf-background noise of the narrow-band spectrometer system used, baseline check details corrections were required for wide line spectra. For this purpose a noise power spectrum obtained with an empty NMR tube under identical conditions was subtracted from the initial noise power spectra of each sample. In the 1H noise spectrum of adamantane (Fig. 1b) obtained in this way one can see a spike near zero frequency arising from incomplete cancellation of coherent artifacts near the carrier frequency. While such artifacts are usually negligible
in noise spectra of liquid samples [6] and [9], they can be prominent in wide line noise NMR spectra, because the energy spectral density of the wide line solid signal is much weaker than a corresponding high resolution NMR noise signal. Since the decoherence times of these electronic artifacts is much longer than the solid samples’ 1H transverse
relaxation time, which determines the line shapes of NMR noise signals under conditions, where radiation damping can be neglected [6], [8] and [13], there is a simple remedy: the coherent electronic signals are efficiently suppressed by pair-wise subtraction of subsequent noise data blocks before Fourier transform. This is demonstrated in the noise spectrum of solid hexamethylbenzene shown in Fig. 2b, which was otherwise processed like the spectrum in Fig. 1b. Due to the random nature of the NMR noise signal this subtraction procedure results in a signal loss by a factor (√2)–1. Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease Comparing the pulse spectra to the noise spectra in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 one can see that the line shapes are well reproduced. It is noteworthy here that, if the temperature ratio Tsample/Tcoil > 2, these wide line noise spectra are always positive (i.e. the 1H noise is always adding to the thermal noise) irrespective of the tuning offset, since T2 ≪ Trd, as can be rationalized from Eqs. (2) to (4) in Ref. [6]. Using MAS NMR we observed 1H NMR noise spectra for liquid H2O and adamantane powder using both a triple and a double resonance probe in combination with three different preamplifiers.