The relative standard deviations (RSDs, in %) of the retention ti

The relative standard deviations (RSDs, in %) of the NLG919 Retention times were always less than 2% (n = 30) for the AQC-amino acids (Table 2 and Table S2). RSD values for peak areas ranged from 0.19 to 7.47% (Table 2). These results

compare well with the precision studies obtained for the HPLC-ESI-MS analysis of AQC derivatized amino acids performed by Hou et al. [50]. With their method, the RSD% of the peak area ratios was in the range of 1.1 to 4.0% using a mixed standard of 17 AQC-amino acids at the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical concentration of 100 μM (n = 6). Repeatability of retention time was not given in their study. Table 2 Representative retention time (Rt) and peak area relative standard deviation (RSD) values obtained from the UPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of AQC-derivatized amino acids. Average Rt and respective RSD values calculated in standard solutions (n = 30). Average … It is important to point out that the excellent stability of the retention time was observed in our study with injection of calibration standards and Arabidopsis extracts without Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical any particular Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical column care, indicating the advantage of our technique over the ion pairing approach in terms of repeatability of the method. Table S2 shows the repeatability of

the retention time at two different time points within the chromatographic column lifetime. Retention time shifts were lower than 0.06 min. In the iron pairing Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical approach, retention time migration of underivatized amino acids after a few consecutive assays is especially problematic due to accumulation of the ion-pairing reagent on the surface of the column material [19,20]. Retention time shift for native amino acids of as much as 1 or 1.5 min has been reported in the literature for IPRPLC-MS based studies [19,20]. Therefore, although intra-day RSD values for HPLC retention times found by IPRPLC-MS/MS methods could prove Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical comparable to the values reported in this study (for example, > 3.8% [17], > 1.3% [10]), caution must be exercised when doing a direct comparison

since, in some cases, retention time stability, and therefore, reproducible amino acid separation in IPRPLC-MS/MS Astemizole approaches is contingent to frequent column flush with pure organic solvent after few assays. The evaluation of the method was continued with data collection from the analysis of twenty solutions containing 38 derivatized physiological amino acids with a concentration ranging from 25 μM to 48 fM and 15 stable-isotope-labeled amino acids at a fixed concentration of 4 × 10−4 g/L. The data was used to create an internal calibration curve for each amino acid using the respective internal standard as given in Table S3. Using the internal standardization method, plots of relative peak area versus amino acid concentration were generated using the TargetLynx software and were used to calculate the linearity (correlation coefficient and dynamic range) and detection limits shown in Table 3.

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