The objectives of this study were to describe the prevalence of and to examine the factors associated with immunosuppression (CD4 count <200 cells/μL) among HIV-infected patients attending two large inner London treatment centres. Additionally, we wanted to establish what proportion of these patients became immunosuppressed while under follow-up and to examine possible reasons for this. This study was conducted
in two inner London HIV treatment centres: Camden Provider ABT-199 order Services Primary Care Service (PCT) (centre 1) and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (centre 2). The former is one of two large providers of care for HIV-infected patients in North Central London and provides out-patient care to approximately 3100 patients. The latter is based in South East London and 2100 patients attended for care in the first half of 2008. These two sites were chosen in order to capture a broad spectrum of patient demographics and to minimize potential bias introduced by a single centre study: Centre 1 has a high proportion of patients who are men who have sex with men (MSM) and centre 2 has a higher proportion of patients of black ethnicity. The HPA monitors national trends in immunosuppression among
HIV-infected adults (age ≥15 years) via the CD4 Surveillance Scheme. This database was accessed to retrieve records of CD4 cell count results Dichloromethane dehalogenase GSK126 supplier for the two treatment centres for the study period: 1 January to 30 June 2007. Patients with one or more CD4 counts <200 cells/μL in this 6-month period were identified. Corresponding case notes and clinic databases were reviewed.
The most recent immunosuppressive episode was examined; the most recent immunosuppressive episode was considered to extend from the start of the period in which the CD4 was observed to be persistently <200 cells/μL (commencing before or during the study period) until the most recent CD4 count <200 cells/μL. Data collected included patient demographics and dates of HIV diagnosis and presentation to the two centres. CD4 cell count, HIV viral load (VL) and ART treatment were recorded at three time-points: first presentation at the centre (t1), the time at which CD4 count first fell to <200 cells/μL marking the start of this immunosuppressive episode (occurring before or during the study period) (t2) and the time of the most recent CD4 count <200 cells/μL in the study period (t3). A predefined list of significant reasons why patients’ CD4 counts fell to <200 cells/μL for this immunosuppressive episode was made and reasons were assigned to patients according to ART status at the time (i.e., at t2).