The next section will consider the available literature regarding

The next section will consider the available literature regarding consequences of a positive amyloid scan for present and future cognitive performance in cognitively healthy and MCI subjects. Relationship between amyloid PET imaging and cognitive performance/progression The most obvious prediction from the model of Jack and colleagues [41] is that compared to subjects who have a negative amyloid neverless PET scan, cognitively healthy control and MCI subjects who have positive amyloid PET scans will, as a group, show greater deterioration in cognitive performance, and will be more likely to progress to an advanced stage of disease (for example, from MCI to AD). A significant number of studies have looked at the relationship between PET amyloid binding and concur-rent cognitive performance.

Multiple studies have reported no correlation between amyloid binding and degree of cognitive deficits in AD patients [55,61,62]. This is consistent with the hypothesis that amyloid is an early initiating event in a pathological cascade, that A?? accumulation approaches asymptote by the time that symptoms appear, and that other pathological processes (tau phosphorylation, inflammation, synaptic degeneration) are more closely linked to expression of cognitive impairment in AD patients [41]. Results are more mixed for MCI subjects. Pike and colleagues [55] found a good correlation (r = 0.61) between 11C-PIB SUVR and a working memory composite score. Others have found no consistent difference in cognition as a function of PET amyloid imaging [43,54].

However, it is likely that correlational studies in MCI subjects are particularly sensitive to the diagnostic algorithms used to select and define MCI subjects. Overlap between the diagnostic algorithm and cognitive outcome variables can reduce the chances of finding a relationship between an independent variable and cognitive performance; for example, if all subjects must have objectively demonstrated memory deficits for inclusion in the study cohort, it becomes difficult to demonstrate a relationship between amyloid burden and memory performance within the cohort. Additionally, as noted above, amyloid levels may approach asymptote by the MCI stage, and difference in brain amyloid burden beyond that point may have as much to do with modulating factors influencing the individual subject’s asymptotic level as they do with disease stage.

In cognitively healthy elderly subjects, Mintun and colleagues [52], Storandt and colleagues [62] and Jack and colleagues [54] reported no relationship between concurrent cognitive performance and 11C-PIB amyloid binding. Other studies have found mixed results. Mormimo and colleagues [63] reported a relationship between 11C-PIB amyloid GSK-3 binding and episodic during memory for one population of normal elderly, but not for a second population.

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