The essential role for larval ORNs in PN dendrite targeting is ev

The essential role for larval ORNs in PN dendrite targeting is evident from the significant difference between the dendrite targeting

defects at the two temperatures. To test whether Sema-2a derived from larval ORNs is necessary for dendrite targeting of dorsolateral-targeting PNs, we next asked whether RNAi knockdown of Sema-2a in ORNs affected PN dendrite position. Because Sema-2a and Sema-2b function redundantly (Figure 3), see more sema-2a loss-of-function alone should not cause PN dendrite mistargeting. We thus performed Sema-2a RNAi knockdown in sema-2b−/− mutant animals using the ORN-specific pebbled-GAL4 driver. We additionally included one mutant copy of sema-2a to reduce the amount of Sema-2a and sensitize the animals to RNAi knockdown. Flies heterozygous for sema-2a and sema-2b exhibited no dendrite targeting defects ( Figures 6A and 6D, compared to Figure 3J). Flies homozygous mutant for sema-2b and heterozygous for sema-2a exhibited a small but significant ventromedial shift of Mz19+ PN dendrite targeting ( Figures 6B and 6D).

However, when Sema-2a was additionally knocked down in ORNs, we found an additional significant ventromedial shift for Mz19+ PN dendrites ( Figures 6C and 6D). From this experiment alone, we cannot distinguish whether the ventromedial shift of Mz19+ dendrites is caused by Sema-2a function in RO4929097 larval ORNs, adult ORNs, or both, as both populations express pebbled-GAL4. However, several lines of evidence suggest that larval ORNs make a major contribution. First, larval ORNs contributed significantly to the Sema-2a protein distribution pattern in the ventromedial antennal lobe prior to arrival of adult ORN axons ( Figures 4D and 4E). Second, adult PN dendrite patterning occurs before arrival of adult ORN axons. Third, ablating larval ORNs caused

a ventromedial shift in dendrite targeting, just as in sema-2a sema-2b Protein kinase N1 double mutants. Taken together, these experiments strongly suggest that Sema-2a contributed by larval ORNs repels dorsolateral-targeting PNs from the ventromedial antennal lobe. To confirm that larval ORN-derived Sema-2a restricts PN targeting to the dorsolateral antennal lobe, we tested whether Sema-2a overexpression in ORNs was sufficient to rescue the mistargeting of normally dorsolateral-targeting PNs. In sema-2a−/− sema-2b−/− mutant flies, Sema-2a overexpression with pebbled-GAL4 was sufficient to rescue the ventromedial targeting defects of Mz19+ PN dendrites ( Figures 6E–6H), supporting the notion that Sema-2a from larval ORNs plays an essential role in regulating dendrite targeting of adult PNs.

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