The amplitudes of 6 fundamental vertebral movements around the lo

The amplitudes of 6 fundamental vertebral movements around the long, coronal and sagittal axis were quantified in the frequency range of 1 to 35 Hz.

Results. The vibration-induced rotation amplitudes of the apex of the thoracic deformity were higher than that of the lumbar segments. The apical vertebrae had the BEZ235 greatest rotation amplitudes at 2 and 8 Hz, and the largest lateral translation amplitudes at 16 Hz. Vibration could cause large lateral flexion amplitudes

in the apex of the thoracic deformity. The apical vertebrae had the largest side flexion amplitudes at 6 Hz. Increasing upper body mass could not change resonant frequency of vibration-induced lateral translation and rotation around the long axis of the apical vertebrae.

Conclusion. The scoliotic spine is more sensitive to vibration than the normal spine. For a patient with single thoracic curve, long-term whole-body vibration may do more harm to the thoracic deformity than to the lower lumbar segments. Axial cyclic loads applied to an already deformed spine may cause further rotational and scoliotic deformity. The patients with idiopathic scoliosis are more likely to suffer from vibration-induced spinal disorders than those by normal persons.”
“An investigation was carried out on students’ study habit in volumetric analysis at the senior secondary school

level in Ondo State. A descriptive research design was adopted in the study. Questionnaire on study habit inventory was adapted and used to collect information from the respondents at various sampled schools. The sample comprised 240 senior

GSK J4 inhibitor secondary II chemistry students drawn from six schools in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State. The hypotheses investigated with respect to students’ study habit problems such as home work/ assignment, reading and note-taking, students’ concentration, time allocation, teachers’ consultation as human variables were analyzed using chi-square statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The results indicated that the main sources of students’ study problems have strong influence on students’ study habit which is causally related to the performance and consequently the efficiency of the students during the practical lesson in volumetric analysis. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that chemistry teachers need proper exposure and orientation to some psychological study problems in order to understand students’ developmental and intellectual progress so as to improved learners’ performances. Hence, there is a need for workshops and seminar for teachers where the importance of effective study habit behavioural pattern would be stressed.”
“Gastric cancer remains the fourth commonest cancer, and the second commonest cause of cancer death, globally. Chemopreventive strategies to reduce the incidence of gastric cancer are required, particularly as the number of deaths per year is likely to rise for the foreseeable future.

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