Terraces remain along-side incised rivers because flood flows no

Terraces remain along-side incised rivers because flood flows no longer exceed discharge magnitude thresholds for floods to inundate the former floodplains (Leopold et al., 1964). The resulting archetypal incised alluvial river channel

is initially narrow and is characterized by high, steep channel banks with adjacent terraces. Incision in fluvial systems occurs globally and is selleck significant with respect to the geomorphic landscape, habitat diversity, and human development (Simon and Darby, 1999). Channel incision may lead to bank erosion and widening (Simon and Hupp, 1986), channel narrowing and embankment (Rinaldi, 2003), increased turbidity (Shields et al., 2010), and reduced habitat heterogeneity (Bravard et al., 1997). Combined with other anthropogenic changes at the landscape scale, incision renders riparian ecology less able to adapt to variable and episodic natural disturbance regimes (Palmer et al., 2008). In this paper, we review the weight of evidence for

natural and human causes of incision. We use the term “Anthropocene” as a metaphor in reference to systems that are affected by intense human interaction. We first note natural factors that may cause channel incision such as climate variation and tectonics, and then review effects of anthropogenic changes in flow to sediment discharge ratios, baselevel, and channelization, taking into account the spatial relationships between forcing factors at the watershed scale and incision. We then present a field study of an TSA HDAC price incised alluvial

channel (Robinson Creek in Mendocino County, California, USA; Fig. 1) that examined geomorphic evidence and processes for incision, including the timing of the initiation of incision, and short-term variability in channel bed Avelestat (AZD9668) elevations along the longitudinal profile between 2005 and 2008. We discuss the natural range of process dynamics in stable and incising alluvial systems and examine concepts of feedbacks in coupled human–geomorphic systems as they relate to channel incision—required for effectively managing modern incised systems. Finally, we develop a metric to identify and quantify the extent of incision that may be applied in other alluvial systems. This work has relevance to other incised systems globally where human activities have set in motion a combination of watershed-scale disturbances. Although similar rates and magnitudes of change have occurred in the geologic past within individual watersheds, incision occurring during the “Anthropocene” to an extent such that humans cannot readily manage modern incised rivers requires new conceptual frameworks for understanding such systems. The interplay of multiple factors often makes determining a single cause of incision difficult (Schumm, 1991 and Schumm, 1999).

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