TEM image reveals that RGOA presents an ordered graphitic structure with curved graphene sheets. The formation of graphitic structure indicates a high reduction degree of graphene oxide during the preparation process. Figure 1 Microstructural observations for samples. (a) AFM image of graphite oxide sheets with height profile. (b) SEM and (c)
TEM images of RGOA. Structural evolution Type IV adsorption isotherm is observed for RGOA (Figure 2a), indicating that the aerogel is a mesoporous material. The obvious hysteresis loop can be observed at relative pressures ranging from 0.42 to 1.0. The pore size distribution curve (Figure 2b) derived from desorption branch by the Barret-Joyner-Halenda method shows that most of the pores distribute within 4EGI-1 molecular weight a range of 2 to 50 nm with a most probable PI3K Inhibitor Library research buy pore diameter of approximately 4 nm. The BET specific surface area is calculated to be 830 m2 g−1, which is the largest value ever reported for graphene-based aerogel materials prepared by a simultaneous self-assembly and reduction method. The interlayer distance of GO calculated from the (002) peak in XRD pattern (Figure 2C) is
0.71 nm, which is much larger than that of pristine graphite (approximately 0.34 nm) owing to the fact that plenty of oxygen-containing groups, such as hydroxyl, epoxyl, and carboxyl, are introduced onto graphene layers during the oxidation process. Compared with GO, the XRD pattern of RGOA exhibits a broad diffraction peak at 2θ = 24° corresponding to the (002) plane of graphite structure. The formation of graphite-like structure of RGOA indicates the efficient removal of oxygen-containing groups from
GO during the simultaneous self-assembly and reduction process. For the purpose of exploring the structural and electronic properties, including disordered and defect structures, of RGOA, Raman spectroscopy analyses are also conducted (Figure 2d). There are two prominent peaks at approximately 1,355 and approximately 1,600 cm−1 corresponding to the D and G band, respectively. It has been reported that the D band originates from Methisazone the disorder-induced mode associated with structural defects and imperfections, while the G band corresponds to the first-order scattering of the E 2g mode from the sp 2 carbon domains [27]. The intensity ratio I D/I G is often used as a measure of the disorder in graphitic materials [28]. The increased I D/I G value indicates the restoration of sp 2 C=C bonds in graphitic structure when oxygen-containing groups escape from GO. Moreover, the decrease of full-width at half maximum of G band indicates a high graphitization degree of RGOA as well [29, 30]. These results coincide well with what was reflected from XRD analyses and TEM observations. Figure 2 Structural analyses for samples. (a) N2 sorption isotherm and (b) pore size distribution curve of RGOA. (c) XRD patterns and (d) Raman spectra of GO and RGOA.