Table 2 Baseline clinical and laboratory findings of patients directly and indirectly admitted to the ICU/MICU Main results Univariate analysis of outcomes by the admitting unit Regardless of which critical care unit the patient was admitted to (MICU and HDU taken together), direct admissions had a lower in-hospital mortality, lower 60-day mortality, were less likely to stay in the unit for more than 1 day and were less likely to
stay in the hospital for more than 1 week. Looking at results separately for MICU and HDU, patients directly admitted from the ED to the MICU had a lower in-hospital mortality and 60-day mortality, and were less likely to stay in the hospital for more than 1 week than those indirectly admitted (figure 1). For those admitted to the HDU, directly admitted patients likewise had a lower in-hospital mortality and 60-day mortality, but were less likely to stay in the unit for more than 1 day. Among all direct admissions, in-hospital mortality and 60-day mortality were higher for patients admitted to the MICU than for those admitted to the HDU. In addition, MICU patients were more likely than HDU patients to stay in the unit for more than 1 day. Figure 1 Outcomes
of direct and indirect admissions, by unit (HDU, high dependency unit; ICU, intensive care unit; MICU, medical ICU; ED, emergency department; LOS, length of stay). Multivariate results All patients In-hospital mortality: Patients admitted to the general wards before subsequent transfer to the MICU/HDU had a threefold increased risk of in-hospital death (table 3(1)). In-hospital mortality was likewise significantly associated with increasing
age and with resuscitation at the ED. None of the other covariates were significantly associated with in-hospital death. Table 3 Adjusted results for the effect of indirect MICU/HDU admissions on selected outcomes (all patients) Death within 60 days of admission: The risk of dying within 60 days of admission was three times higher for indirectly admitted patients. Increasing age and resuscitation at the ED were likewise associated with increased 60-day mortality (table 3(2)). There were no other significant predictors of 60-day mortality. Total in-hospital length of stay (<8 vs 8+ days): After excluding patients who GSK-3 died during hospitalisation from the analysis, increasing age was the only variable associated with total in-hospital length of stay of 8 days or more (table 3(3)). There was no significant difference in the total in-hospital length of stay for direct and indirect MICU/HDU admissions. MICU/HDU length of stay (<2 vs 2+ days): As with total in-hospital length of stay, patients who died during hospitalisation were excluded from the analysis. The risk of staying two or more days in the MICU/HDU was 2.