Table 1 Clinical and demographic profiles of the PD patients Patient
number 36 Age (years) 54 ± 17 Gender, male (%) 23 (64) Etiology of kidney disease (%) Glomerulonephritis 24 (67) Diabetes 7 (19) Others 5 (14) Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dl) 55.4 ± 20.2 Serum creatinine (mg/ml) 10.4 ± 5.1 Duration on PD (days) 377 (IR: 211–553) Average of renal Ccr + Cun (l/day) 2.6 (IR: 0.9–5.3) Urine production (ml/day) 912.7 ± 688.6 Urine protein (g/day) 0.61 (IR: 0.221–0.821) PD peritoneal dialysis, IR interquartile range, Ccr daily renal clearance rate of creatinine, Cun daily renal clearance rate of urea Soluble Klotho was detectable in the urine and serum of the PD patients. The amount of urinary excreted soluble Klotho during the 24-h period in our PD patients ranged from selleck products 1.54 to 1774.4 ng/day (median 303.2 ng/day; IR 84.1–498.5), and that of the eleven normal control subjects ranged from 69.5 to 4393.0 ng/day (median 1231.7 ng/day; IR 870–1846, p = 0.002). Similarly, the serum soluble Klotho
concentration in the PD patients ranged from 194.4 to 990.4 pg/ml (mean 553.7 ± 210.4 pg/ml), while that of the normal control subjects ranged from 384.0 to 1483.5.4 pg/ml (mean 783.4 ± 317.5 pg/ml, p = 0.009). There was no correlation Navitoclax ic50 of the amount of urinary Klotho excretion with age, the duration of PD, or serum Klotho levels. The amount of urinary excreted Klotho was significantly correlated with the residual renal function. The correlations 4-Hydroxytamoxifen supplier between urinary excreted Klotho and
various approximations of the residual glomerular filtration rate (GFR), including urinary Ccr, and the average of urinary Ccr + Cun, are shown in Fig. 1a, b. The amount of urinary excreted Klotho was significantly associated with the 24-h urine volume (r = 0.614, p = 0.00114) as well. A similar trend between the amount of urinary excreted Klotho and the single-day renal KT/V was confirmed (r = 0.548, p = 0.00254). The amount of urinary excreted Klotho was also correlated with the serum phosphorus (Pi) (r = −0.599, p = 0.00018) and serum calcium (Ca) Thiamine-diphosphate kinase levels (r = 0.347, p = 0.0445). On the other hand, we failed to confirm any significant associations between the amounts of urinary excreted Klotho and those of total protein and albumin, despite the significant correlation between the urinary excreted total protein and albumin (Fig. 2a–c). There was no apparent correlation between serum soluble Klotho levels and Ccr, Cun, the average of Ccr + Cun, serum Pi, or calcium. Fig. 1 The relationship between the amount of urinary excreted Klotho and the urinary daily renal clearance rate of creatinine (Ccr) (a), and the relationship between between the amount of urinary excreted Klotho and the average urinary Ccr + Cun (b) among peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients.