Supplements also consisted of the same color

Supplements also consisted of the same color selleck and flavor (fruit punch). All drinks were made following manufacturer instructions. Both the CHO and CHO-P supplements were matched with 6% CHO concentration but varied in total calories per serving, 25 kcal vs. 40 kcal respectively. The CHO-P supplement also included 1.4% protein concentration.

The CHO-CHO supplement matched the CHO-P supplement in total calories per serving, 40 kcal, and consisted of 9% CHO concentration. Procedures & measures Before the initial session, participants were emailed standard pre-test protocols to follow for body composition and VO2max tests to ensure measurements were accurate. At the start of the initial session, informed consent, approved by The University of Tennessee Institutional Review Board, was reviewed

and signed. Height was recorded to the nearest centimeter using a stadiometer (Sunbeam Products Inc, Boca Raton, FL). Weight was recorded to the nearest 0.2 kg using the electronic scale associated with the BOD POD (COSMED USA Inc., Concord, CA). Body composition was measured via whole body air-displacement plethysmography technique with the BOD POD. Participants were dressed in standard BOD POD protocol attire while measurement was conducted. Next, participants completed a treadmill VO2max test. Running speed was Dinaciclib purchase self-selected and remained constant throughout the test. The test began at 0% grade and increased 1% in one-minute increments until the participant reached volitional exhaustion. Body composition and VO2max tests were

conducted to describe participant characteristics. Following the treadmill test, the first run was scheduled no more than one week after the initial session and participants were provided a 24-hour diet/exercise record to record all caloric food/beverage intake and aerobic exercise during the 24 hours before the run. Participants were instructed to keep diet and aerobic exercise consistent before all runs in order to minimize variances in glycogen status and physical condition among trials. All trials were scheduled 7–10 days apart. At each run, participants submitted the diet/exercise record. Based upon the initial diet record presented at the first trial, participants received a diet prescription for the 24 hours before the remaining trials (derived from the quantified 4��8C serving sizes in the Diabetes Exchange System) and a copy of their original food record as an example. To compare the previous 24-hour dietary intake and the last meal consumed prior to each run between the sessions, total calories and percent calories from each macronutrient were analyzed using the NDS-R computer diet analysis program version 2008 (NCC, University if Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN). Glycogen status was estimated based on guidelines stating 8–12 hour time period without consuming calories results in significant depletion of glycogen stores [18].

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