Pooled samples per treatment [equal protein amounts (μg) from each mouse within a treatment] from colonic tissue were separated by SDS-PAGE for Western blot analysis, while lysates of 2-well replicates of treated CMT93 cells were pooled per treatment and
separated by SDS-PAGE for Western blot analysis. Smad7 and IκB-α protein expression was determined using polyclonal rabbit anti-mouse Smad7 (sc-11392) and IκB-α (sc-847) primary antibodies, respectively Selleck BMN673 (Santa Cruz Biotech, Santa Cruz, CA). Bio-detection was determined utilizing secondary antibody goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (sc-2004, Santa Cruz). Each blot was stripped and analyzed for GAPDH protein expression, as an internal loading control, using a specific rabbit anti-mouse GAPDH antibody (sc25778, Santa Cruz), followed by a goat anti-rabbit antibody conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. All results were expressed as the mean ± SEM. Statistical differences were determined using one-way analysis of variance test (Tukey’s multiple comparison test) with graphpad prism. A value for P < 0.05 was considered significant. Numerous reports have demonstrated Dabrafenib mw the various health benefits of probiotic administration in mature animals (Tien et al., 2006; Damaskos & Kolios, 2008; Farnworth, 2008; Gill & Prasad, 2008). However, few studies have examined
the effects of administration of probiotics and/or prebiotics on early development, survivability, and resistance to enteric pathogens in young animals. To determine how early inoculation of probiotic, La, and/or prebiotic inulin may alter the developmental patterns of the GAI affecting host resistance to enteric pathogens, we pre-inoculated the mice with and without La, inulin, and both and infected them with C. rodentium. During the experimental period, the clinical symptoms, change in body weight and survival of the animals were monitored. As expected, mice infected only with Cr showed
signs of Citrobacter-associated disease, such as soft stool, a hunched posture, disturbed body hair, and a marked body weight loss PAK6 during the initial period of infection. The body weight remained significantly lower in mice with Cr infection alone throughout the experiment period compared with groups that were uninfected normal control (P < 0.01), C. rodentium-infected with pretreatment of probiotic La (P < 0.05), and synbiotic combination (P < 0.05) (Fig. 2a). Pretreatment of mice with prebiotic inulin alone showed limited effect on host body weight gain during C. rodentium infection, as the body weight changes of these mice did not differ significantly with all other treatment groups (P > 0.05 for all comparisons: Inu + Cr vs. Cr; Inu + Cr vs. La + Cr; Inu + Cr vs. Synb + Cr; and Inu + Cr vs. control). Moreover, a 10% mortality rate was detected in the group that was infected with Cr alone, and no mortality was observed in any other groups (data not shown).