Permitted medications for the treatment of possible cutaneous ras

Permitted medications for the treatment of possible cutaneous rash and face oedema during the study were hydroxyzine and prednisolone. Other permitted concomitant med ications were one not NSAID at constant dosage, oral corticosteroids at stable doses of not more than 10 mg day, analgesics without anti inflammatory action or oral narcotic analgesics and medically acceptable forms of birth control. Physical therapy, if per formed at the time of study entry, was provided Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries under a stable and consistent regimen. The following treatments of active RA were prohibited during the study, surgery, DMARD treatment, immunosuppressive drugs, cytotoxic drugs, intramuscular or intravenous injections of Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries steroids, intra articular or soft tissue injections of corticos teroids and alternate investigational drugs or investigational combinations of approved drugs.

Drugs that interact with the same CYP450 isoenzymes as masitinib were prohibited due to the inherent risk of either reduced activity or enhanced toxicity of any concomitant medication. Finally, the use of analgesics was prohibited on assessment days until after all clinical efficacy evaluations had been completed. Safety and efficacy assessment Safety Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries was assessed by occurrence of adverse events and SAEs and monitoring biochemical, haematological and urinalysis parameters during the study period, with toxicity graded according to the Common Toxicity Criteria version 3. 0. In the event of SAE, treatment was inter rupted until resolution and then resumed, with a permitted dose reduction of 1. 5 mg kg per day or treatment discontinu ation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries if toxicity recurred.

Evaluation of treatment efficacy was based upon the evolution of clinical symptoms associated Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with active RA at week 12 relative to baseline. Primary endpoints were the ACR response criteria of ACR20, ACR50 and ACR70. For each patient, all efficacy parameters were recorded on the first day of treatment, prior to administration of masitinib and then again after 4, 8 and 12 weeks of treatment. Secondary endpoints included the 12 week analysis of disease activity score using 28 joint counts, index of improvement in RA and CRP improvement. Higher DAS28 values are indicative of greater disease activity with significance placed on the thresh old values of DAS28 2. 6, 2. 6 DAS28 3. 2, 3. 2 DAS28 5. 1, and DAS28 5.

1, corresponding to the classifications of remission, inactive RA, moderate RA and very active RA, respectively. CRP is an acute phase reactant and a sensitive serum marker of inflammation. Discrimination between dose regimens was investigated by analysis of the time to first ACR variable response according to initial dosage. Since dose adjustment was permitted at weeks 4 and 8 in cases of insufficient treatment response, the dose at the time of first response was also analysed. Efficacy data are presented using descriptive statistics, con trasting initial dosage groups or according to previous DMARD failure.

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