
On selleckbio the other hand, synthetic fertilizers (also their production) are considered as significant drivers of the development of GHG emissions, whose ultimate outcomes are climate change [18�C22]. According to a recent inventory, approximately 75% of anthropogenic N2O in Europe is produced by agricultural soils and animal husbandries [8].Agriculture sector started to raise concerns over the potential overuse and environmental impacts of synthetic fertilizer, especially nitrogen (N), application. Since then, a growing body of research has identified the need to improve fertilizer use efficiencies and management [23]. Application of integrated assessment models is important in fertilizing-benefit analysis to determine the optimal level of GHG emissions mitigation in fertilized grasslands.

Grasslands (3488Mha, or 69%) occupy a large segment of global agricultural land (5023Mha), and consequently, measurement and prediction of GHG emissions from these ecosystems are of great importance [24]. Furthermore, amount and composition of covering plant species considerably impact total GHG emission in grassland ecosystems [25�C27].Total grassland area in Lithuania occupies 1.2Mha. In Central Lithuania, like in other parts of central Europe, abandoned grasslands situated near woodlands are overgrown by shrubs and trees [28]. An increase in tree and shrub cover results in a decrease of the number and cover of grassland species and may lead to their local extinction within decades.

Domestic political-economical circumstances have meant that about 50% of grasslands (former pasture or arable land) have been abandoned and have been turning into natural habitats of climatic ecosystems during the last two decades in Lithuania [29]. In order to maintain soil fertility and imminent growing up with shrubs and trees, these abandoned, differently anthropogenized plots need to undergo an extensive management, for example, sustainable fertilizing, grazing, and so forth [20, 28]. However, rising fertilizer use contributed to a number of environmental problems including an increase of GHG emissions [30�C32]. Moreover, intensive recycling and often high rates of applied mineral fertilizers are expected to be significant pathway for contribution to share of global anthropogenic GHG emission from agrosector [1, 33, 34]. Therefore, assessment of effects of various fertilizing rates and techniques on the gaseous emissions from abandoned grasslands Anacetrapib should be based on research data [35]. Otherwise, agroecosystems are represented by complex of multidimensional components, thus making their evaluation and management rather complicated.

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