magnatum DNA concentration
and truffle BI 10773 production (ascoma number and weight). The significance level was set at the 5% probability level. Statistical analyses were performed using XLSTAT- Pro 7.5 (Addinsoft, Paris, France). Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by the Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Abruzzo and Molise regions (project MAGNATUM – Monitoraggio delle Attività di Gestione delle tartufaie NAturali di TUber Magnatum). The project MAGNATUM was coordinated by ARSIA (Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e L’Innovazione nel settore Agricolo-forestale) of Tuscany region. The Authors would like to thank Dr Ian Hall for the critical reading of the introduction and discussion sections and Dr. Enrico Lancellotti for the helpful suggestions concerning statistical analyses. We are grateful to the Dr. Claudia Perini and the Prof Giovanni Pacioni for the local coordination of this research. Electronic supplementary material Additional file selleck chemicals 1: Number and weight of ascomata.
This file contains a table showing the number and weight of the ascomata found in the experimental plots of the four truffières over the three years of survey (2008-2009-2010). (DOC 86 KB) Additional file 2:: DNA extraction protocol. This file contains the detailed protocol developed in this study for the extraction of genomic DNAs from 5 g soil samples. (DOC 32 KB) References 1. Hall I, Brown GT, Zambonelli A: Taming the Truffle. Timber Press, Portland; Fenbendazole 2007. 2. Glamočlija J, Vujičić R, Vukojević J: Evidence of truffles
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