Individuals frequently experience multiple lower GI dysmotility and sensory symptoms associated with IBS-C. The negative impact of these symptoms on respondents�� quality of life was significant, with almost all women (97.8%) stating that they had made lifestyle changes as a result. Furthermore, 13.2% of women missed work or school (an average of five occasions) in the preceding three months. These results are in agreement with findings from a previous study (28) in the United States where more than one-third (39.0%) of IBS patients reported missing work (an average of six days) in the preceding three months. The impact of lower GI symptoms on work or school and social activities in the current study is similar to that reported in a large study (6) of individuals with IBS in Europe.
IBS has been previously shown to carry a high burden in terms of the impact on the individual��s life and on society through impaired quality of life, increased absenteeism from work or school, and increased costs (14,16,17). In the current study, 78.1% of respondents had two or more lower GI symptoms. While all symptoms occurred with similar prevalence, the high incidence and frequency of bloating is of particular interest, because it is not often discussed during physician consultations. Currently, bloating is not included in the research diagnosis guidelines; however, this study demonstrates that bloating is highly prevalent and bothersome to patients and should be considered more seriously when assessing lower GI symptoms associated with IBS.
In the survey, one-fifth of individuals who had previously described their symptoms as ��severe�� were not currently consulting a physician because they did not perceive their symptoms were severe enough. This suggested a certain mindset of some patients with lower GI symptoms who, despite classifying their symptoms as ��severe��, did not consider them significant enough to consult a physician. Similarly, many respondents felt that they could manage their problems by themselves, suggesting that they may have chosen, for example, to self-medicate, alter their diet or use relaxation therapies. The most common prescription and nonprescription GI medications were antacids and acid-suppressing drugs, such as omeprazole. Inquiries were not made into concomitant conditions.
However, given the high degree of overlap between upper and lower GI motility disorders, it is reasonable to assume that some of the respondents may also experience dyspepsia or gastroesophageal reflux disease. The Domestic/International Gastroenterology Surveillance Study reported that 77% of those with lower GI symptoms also reported upper Anacetrapib GI symptoms (25). Patients were generally dissatisfied with traditional treatments, which was the case for both prescription and nonprescription medications.