In all considered cases, the LDOS curves exhibit electronic state

In all considered cases, the LDOS curves exhibit electronic states pinned at the Fermi Level, at certain magnetic flux values. This state corresponds to a non-dispersive band, equivalent with the supersymmetric Landau level of the infinite two-dimensional graphene crystal [30, 35]. At low energy region and for low magnetic field, it is possible to observe the typical square-root evolution of the relativistic Landau levels [36]. The electronic levels at highest energies of the system evolve linearly with the magnetic flux, like regular Landau levels. This

kind of evolution is originated by the massive bands in graphene, which is expected for these kinds of states in graphene-based systems [37, 38]. By comparing the LDOS curves and the corresponding conductance curves, it is possible to understand and define which states contribute to the transport of the systems (resonant tunneling peaks), and which ones only Vadimezan purchase evolve with the magnetic flux but remain as localized states (quasi-bond states) of the conductor. These kind of behaviour has been reported before in similar systems [19, 20]. This fact is more evident in the symmetric cases, where there are

several states in the ranges ϕ/ϕ 0 ∈ [0.1, 0.9] and E(γ 0) ∈ [-1.0, 1.0] of the LDOS curves which evolve linearly with the magnetic flux, but are not reflected in the conductance curves. In fact, at these ranges, the conductance curves exhibit marked gaps with linear evolution as a function of the magnetic flux. For the asymmetric case, it is more difficult to define which states behave similarly; however, there are still some

regions at which the conductance exhibits gaps with linear evolution as a function of the magnetic flux. All these electronic modulations could be useful to generate on/off Eltanexor concentration switches Amino acid in electronic devices, by changing in a controlled way the magnetic field intensity applied to the heterostructures. We have obtained these behaviours for different configurations of conductor, considering variations in length and widths of the finite ribbons and leads. Conclusions In this work, we have analysed the electronic and transport properties of a conductor composed of two parallel and finite A-GNRs, connected to two semi-infinite lead, in the presence of an external perturbation. We have thought these systems as two parallel wires of an hypothetical circuit made of graphene, and we have studied the transport properties as a function of the separation and the geometry of these ‘wires’, considering the isolated case and the presence of an external magnetic field applied to the system. We have observed resonant tunneling behaviour as a function of the geometrical confinement and a complete Aharonov-Bohm type of modulation as a function of the magnetic flux. These two behaviours are observed even when the two A-GNRs have different widths, and consequently, different transverse electronic states.

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