ift.org Gastro-intestinal Models for the Study of Probiotics and Prebiotics – Scientific Symposium 13 June 2011 Kosice, Slovakia Internet:http://www.probiotic-conference.net/Symposium International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics - IPC2011 14–16 June 2011 Kosice, Slovakia Internet:www.probiotic-conference.net International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 18–20 June 2011 Melbourne, Australia Internet:www.isbnpa2011.org 16th European Carbohydrate Symposium 3–7 July check details 2011 Sorrento, Italy Internet:www.eurocarb2011.org 12th International Congress on Amino Acids,
Peptides and Proteins 1–5 August 2011 Beijing, China Internet:http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/icaap/ ICOMST 2011 - 57th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology 21–26 August 2011 Ghent, Belgium Internet:http://www.icomst2011.ugent.be 2nd EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference 29 August–2 September 2011 Wageningen, The Netherlands Internet:www.vlaggraduateschool.nl/epnoe2011/index.htm selleck kinase inhibitor 2nd International ISEKI
Food Conference 31 August – 2 September 2011 Milan, Italy Internet:www.isekiconferences.com 9th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium 4–8 September 2011 Kyoto, Japan Internet:www.pangborn2011.com 7th Predictive Modelling of Food Quality and Safety Conference 12–15 September 2011 Dublin, Ireland Internet:http://eventelephant.com/pmf7 9th International Food Databamk Conference 14–17 September 2011 Norwich, UK Internet:http://www.eurofir.net/policies/activities/9th_ifdc 7th NIZO Dairy Conference 21–23 September
2011 Papendal, The Netherlands Internet:www.nizodairyconf.elsevier.com American Association of Cereal Chemists Annual Meeting 16–19 October 2011 Palm Springs, California Internet:www.aaccnet.org 2011 EFFoST Annual Meeting 8–11 November 2011 Berlin, Germany Internet:www.effostconference.com International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF) Conference 14–17 November 2011 Sapporo, Japan Internet:www.isnff.org International Conference on Food Factors – “Food for Wellbeing-from Function to Processing” 20–23 November 2011 Taipei, Rutecarpine Taiwan Internet:www.icoff2011.org/download/Invitationlette.pdf Food Colloids 2012 15–18 April 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark E-mail: Richard Ipsen: [email protected] 8th International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods 8–10 May 2012 Rome, Italy Internet:http://www.icdam.org 11th International Hydrocolloids Conference 14–17 May 2012 Purdue University, USA Internet:http://www.international-hydrocolloids-conference.com/ IDF International Symposium on Cheese Ripening 20–24 May 2012 Madison, Wisconsin, USA Internet:www.fil-idf.org IDF/INRA International Symposium on Spray-Dried Dairy Products 19–21 June 2012 St Malo, France Email:[email protected] IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo 25–29 June 2012 Las Vegas, USA Internet:www.ift.