B: The minimum spanning tree was

constructed with a categ

B: The minimum spanning tree was

constructed with a categorical coefficient. Each circle represents a different MLST type (ST). The colour of a circle and the line clustering the MT with the same colour are corresponding to identical sequence type (ST). Same colours design STs in Figure 1A. Size of the circle reflects the number of isolates designed in italic numbers within parenthesis, while the width of the line reflects the genetic distance between MT (heavy short lines connect SLVs, thin longer lines connect DLVs, and dotted lines indicate the most likely connection between 2 STs differing by more than 2 loci). The number of loci that differ between two MTs is indicated on the lines connecting the MTs. Clonal click here complexes (CC) were defined as MTs having a maximum distance of changes at 2 loci and a minimum cluster size of 2 types. Each CC as a cluster is shaded in a different colour. EPZ5676 concentration Knowing PRIMA-1MET cost the MLVA type it is possible to deduce not only the ST but also the associated serotype depending on the clonality of the serotypes. It is the case for serotype 1 because of its strong clonality, whereas it is not possible for the serotype 19F. Moreover, the carriage is more frequent for certain serotypes, particularly serotype 19F, meaning that isolates belonging to those serotypes often exchange DNA with other carried. So the

serotype of a pneumococcus strain can change but not

its other genetic characteristics’. Indeed, carriage serotypes are distributed along the dendrogram and can belong to very different genotypes. However, in order to compare identical number of MLST and MLVA markers, a set of seven MLVA markers was considered. The set includes three markers with the highest discriminatory power (DI > 0.8), one marker with a low discriminatory power acting as an anchor for the dendrogram, and three others, selected for a low IMD and for their ability to distinguish ST 227 and ST 306, and based on previous data [19]. The composition of the MLVA set was adapted as follows: ms17, ms19, ms25, ms27, ms33, ms37, ms39 . The comparison between selleck chemicals MLST and MLVA using seven markers was obtained by construction of a minimum spanning tree (Figure 2A). Congruence MLST/MLVA was 47.2%. Figure 2 Minimum spanning tree constructed from 7 MLVA markers for 331 pneumococcal isolates from this study. A: ms17, ms19, ms25, ms27, ms33, ms37, ms39 markers used for this study; B: ms17 ms19, ms25, ms34, ms37, ms39 markers [25]; C: ms15, ms25, ms32 ms33, ms37, ms38, ms40 [26]. Clusters were defined as MTs having a maximum distance of changes at 1 loci and a minimum cluster size of 1 type. The minimum spanning tree was constructed with a categorical coefficient. Each circle represents a different MLVA type (MT). The colour of a circle indicates the number of the corresponding sequence type (ST).

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