Attempts have been made to avoid the use of a linker by covalently- and site-specifically immobilizing carbohydrates onto hydrazine-coated glass #Tasocitinib datasheet randurls[1|1|,|CHEM1|]# slides [42]. This type of platform maps glycan-protein
interactions in a monomeric form. Such platforms vary in ligand presentation, density, glycan origin, assay conditions, and immobilization on flat surfaces. All this may influence glycan recognition processes. The possible limitations Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of glycan arrays might be a restricted flexibility in terms of assay reconfiguration and monomeric presentation of glycans on the array. Table 1 Characteristics of major glycan-based array platforms. More recently, new high-throughput platforms have been introduced which are referred to as glycopeptide arrays (Table 1). This array format is characterized by the addition of a carrier protein or polypeptide forming glycoconjugate-based epitopes. Profiling anti-glycan antibodies to glycopeptides on array platforms has been reported
for instance by applying bovine serum albumin as carrier protein Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to epoxide-derivatized slides [61]. In this study neoglycoconjugates were fabricated and carbohydrates synthesized to investigate the antigenicity to anti-glycan antibodies. Another platform utilizes an identified cancer-specific immunodominant glycopeptide epitope in MUC1 [64], a heavily glycosylated mucin known to be Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical associated to several cancer types including breast and ovarian cancer. A synthesized MUC1 peptide was also used as a carrier for the chemoenzymatic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical synthesis of glycoconjugates (O-glycopeptides), on NHS-activated glass slides via amine group guaranteeing covalent and site-specific attachment [23,25,63]. Glycan and glycopeptide arrays are optimal glycan-based immunoassays to profile anti-glycan antibodies in high-throughput but concerns still remain because assay dynamics are static, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical background binding is controversial, and detection of bound anti-glycan antibodies can only be visualized
by the use of chemical labels and multiple-step procedures. In parallel to glycan-based arrays, microarray technologies using immobilised lectins for glycomic analysis emerged in the past decade (for review see [65]), but they are beyond the scope of this review. New technologies in the field of glycan-based immunoassays mafosfamide were introduced which may overcome the previously mentioned limitations. These are glycan-based suspension arrays as well as surface plasmon resonance (SPR) platforms (Table 1). Both technologies are characterized by flow assay dynamics narrowing glycan-antibody interactions more closely to an in vivo environment. Recent advances in the field of flow-cytometry enabled a new generation of microbead-based immunoassays, allowing for quantitative simultaneous detection of multiple analytes in a single sample with high sensitivity and reproducibility (for review see [66]).