And, although the European Union has banned all Icelandic and Faeroese mackerel fishing vessels from its waters, there is little else that can be done to prevent the summer of 2011 from becoming another old-style tiger shoot. But, there is another aspect to this story. Because the Icelandic and Faroese governments have unilaterally abandoned quotas, other fleets from Russia, the Far East and China have felt free to move into North Atlantic waters in pursuit of the mackerel. It is estimated that there are
currently twenty ‘super-trawlers’ working these waters including the Hong Kong-controlled Lafayette, which is currently processing 1500 tonnes of mackerel daily for the Chinese market. When I was a lad, I used to go angling in my home river, the Arun, in West Sussex. And one summer, it must have been in the late 1950’s, a shoal of mackerel charged up the river and
stretching from shore to shore. There were so many of them, upon thousands, that Obeticholic Acid order the waters actually boiled and us boys could and did scoop them up in their dozens using our landing nets – there was no need to bother jigging for them. It was indeed a memorable sight. Today, I still occasionally book a local boat to take a few, now older, lads out angling and, 10 km offshore, jigging ensures enough mackerel to take home for tea and make the day worthwhile plus provide the bait needed for our primary targets of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and black sea bream (Spondyliosoma cantharus). I can still remember mackerel smacks the heading out to sea to fish each day in
summer and, all along the Channel coast, towns without a river would launch and retrieve the same traditional Gemcitabine vessels from their steep shingle beaches. Not any more. Even so, the mackerel fishery is still important to British, notably Cornish and Scottish, fishermen and is estimated to be worth £135 million (US$ 220 million) annually. But, in 2011, if the European and Norwegian quota of 650,000 tonnes is met and the Icelandic and Faeroese self-set quota of 305,000 tonnes is also met, then this year’s catch will, it is estimated, be >1 million tonnes. And most of this will still be ground up into pig feed and fertilizer – the Faeroese catch alone being so processed on the islands for the Dutch firm of Parlevliet and Van der Olas. On another, personal, note, in April of this year I had occasion to visit the Danish seaport of Skagen on the tip of Jutland. And there in the harbour were a number of Faeroese trawlers preparing themselves for this summer’s fishing. Among them was F.V. Athena. It is only when one gets up close to this factory ship that one can appreciate its size. She is 105 m length overall, 7800 gross tonnage and has an operational crew of 125. Her port of registry is Hósvík in the Faeroes and, as noted above, is owned by Thor Offshore and Fisheries. In every way, Athena is an impressive ship. But there is something else about her.