Although this study therefore had a different focus compared to the present study, it does illustrate the importance of controlling for potentially
confounding factors when investigating cannabis-behaviour associations (or of controlling for behaviour when studying associations between specific environmental factors and cannabis use). Another longitudinal study (spanning 25 years) that did control for confounding factors demonstrated that conduct disorders at even a younger age (7–9 years) were related to later substance use, including cannabis use (Fergusson et al., 2007). Also, Pedersen et al. (2001), confirmed that conduct disorder at a young age is strongly buy Vorinostat associated with cannabis use in young teenagers. All these studies supported results that externalizing problems precede cannabis use. For the present study as well as earlier studies, it should be noted that externalizing behaviour explained only part of the variance of cannabis use, indicating that other factors are also important correlates find more of cannabis
use during adolescence. Examples of such factors may be substance using peers and family functioning (e.g. Coffey et al., 2000 and Fergusson and Horwood, 1997). In addition, considering the concurrent correlations of cannabis use and externalizing behaviour at different measurement points we cannot rule out reciprocal relations between the two, i.e. lagged associations remain possible (Fergusson et al., 2005). Nonetheless, some evidence is provided
here that such lagged associations start with the presence of externalizing behaviour, as there was negligible cannabis use at T1, while there was externalizing behaviour at that time. Although evidence of damaging effects of cannabis has been provided in other studies (Kandel et al., 1986 and Kandel et al., 1992), our study did not support this hypothesis. This could be due to the fact that the sample was quite young and had not been using cannabis for a long period of time. Indeed, studies providing evidence for damaging effects of cannabis observed these effects in young adulthood (Fergusson et al., 2002 and White Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase et al., 1999). Possibly, such effects will also become evident in our sample at a later stage. For now, however, it should be concluded that externalizing problems at age of 11 and 13 predict cannabis use at later ages. If the self-medication hypothesis is true, as the evidence suggests, it would be good to know in more detail which aspects of externalizing behaviour elicit the need for “medication”. One explanation could be that those who show externalizing problems at age 11 use cannabis to get rid of feelings of hostility or anger.