215 FAMILIAL FSGS: A NOVEL PODOCIN MUTATION Enzalutamide IN A NEW SYNDROME S AGGARWAL1, R SACHDEV2, T GAYAGAY3, M BROWN1 1Department of Nephrology, St George Hospital, Kogarah, NSW; 2Department of Genetics, St George Hospital, Kogarah, NSW; 3Department of Molecular Genetics, Westmead Children’s Hospital, Westmead, NSW, Australia Background: Familial Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a form of FSGS that accounts for a significant proportion of steroid resistant disease. The accepted modes of inheritance include autosomal dominant with variable penetrance and autosomal recessive. Multiple
genetic loci have been associated with familial FSGS including genes encoding proteins that are integral for glomerular basement membrane function, glomerular and podocyte differentiation and function. These include NPHS1, NPHS2, alpha-actinin-4, the TRPC6 ion channel, CD2AP and the formin family of actin-regulatory proteins. Case Report: We describe a family with three genetic disorders including familial FSGS (inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern), von Willebrand’s disease and colonic polyposis with no
identifiable genetic link. This family was previously assessed utilising linkage analysis and a potential locus was identified at 1q. However, direct methods utilising sanger sequencing demonstrated that this was misleading. Genetic testing has shown a new compound heterozygous mutation located on the stomatin domain of the podocin gene (NPHS 2): the c.886G>A (p.Glu296Lys) variant. This NVP-LDE225 price is likely a pathogenic mutation. Conclusion: This is the first description of the podocin mutation c.886G>A isometheptene (p.Glu296Lys) and of a syndrome encompassing FSGS, macrocephaly, von Willebrand’s disease and familial polyposis coli. The misleading results of linkage analysis underscore the need to re-evaluate the diagnostic benefit of these genetic testing methods. 216 THE SYMPTOM BURDEN OF RENAL PATIENTS
IN THE MANAWATŪ, NEW ZEALAND C WALKER1, A GILL2, S ALLAN2, J PERCY3 1Capital & Coast District Health Board, Wellington; 2Arohanui Hospice, Palmerston North; 3MidCentral District Health Board, Palmerston North, New Zealand Aim: To investigate and report on the symptom burden of renal patients at MidCentral District Health Board, which services the Manawatū region of New Zealand. Background: Patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) are known to have similar symptom burdens to those of patients with advanced cancer. Improving the supportive care to such patients requires knowledge of the burden of symptoms they carry. Methods: We conducted a symptom survey of patients in our renal service using the Patient Outcome Scale (POS) tool, renal version, in which patients self-report their symptoms over the preceding 7 days.