All other antidepressant medications were acceptable if the participant had been on a steady dose (no dosage or medication changes) for the past 3 months. A total of 282 potential participants completed initial telephone screening, and 168 of these were deemed ineligible due to study exclusion criteria (Figure 1). The primary recruitment sources identified by potential participants as motivating them to call included information from medical/mental health professional (21%), posted flyer (21%), radio advertisement (19%), and newspaper advertisement (14%). A total of 114 women were scheduled to complete a more comprehensive in-person assessment of study eligibility and 31 of these canceled or failed to show up despite study staff making frequent attempts to reschedule and accommodate any scheduling concerns.
Of the 83 women who did attend the assessment visit, 22 determined that they were not interested in participating for a wide variety of reasons (e.g., schedule, perceived burden of study assessment and visits, had already quit smoking, a desire to focus on psychiatric problems, current psychosocial stressors, ambivalence about attempting to quit smoking). One woman was excluded following physician examination due to psychiatric problems. The remaining 60 women were enrolled and randomized. Figure 1. Participant recruitment and loss to follow-up rates. BMI, body mass index. Procedure After completion of the baseline assessment, participants were randomly assigned to either exercise counseling (n=30) or a health education contact control condition (n=30).
The randomization process involved a study assistant opening the next consecutively numbered sealed envelope containing Cilengitide study assignment previously prepared by a study statistician using a random number generating program. Randomization was not stratified on depression level, antidepressant treatment, or any other variable. Each condition consisted of 10 weekly individually tailored sessions. The two conditions were equal for counselor contact time (30 min/session). All participants received individual brief behavioral smoking cessation counseling delivered concurrently with the exercise counseling or health education interventions.