, 2005) have shown how the wave propagated and are in reasonable

, 2005) have shown how the wave propagated and are in reasonable agreement with run-up heights inferred from geological observations. However, previous models have been limited by two important technical constraints. First, they used relatively low spatial resolution along coastlines due to the large region simulated. This means that wave propagation along the complex Norwegian coast, for example, may not be properly simulated. Second, all previous studies used modern bathymetry, as opposed to the inferred bathymetry from 8150 years ago, which has likely changed by tens of metres as a result of non-uniform isostatic relative sea-level changes. Numerical simulations are a useful

tool for studying tsunamis. A number of previous studies have used numerical models to study land- and submarine-slide generated tsunamis (e.g. Abadie et al., 2012 and Assier-Rzadkieaicz et al., 2000). They allow learn more some quantification of the hazard posed by such events, which is uncertain (Masson et al., 2006). A number of these studies have used nested models

(multiple, coupled models with different spatial resolutions, using one or more codes) to simultaneously simulate both the large region and local details (Allgeyer et al., 2013, Kirby et al., 2013 and Horsburgh et al., 2008). In particular, Bondevik et al. (2005) simulated the Storegga slide as a series of retrogressive blocks on Trichostatin A mouse a 2.08 ×× 2.08 km grid for the Norwegian-Greenland sea, with a nested 500 ×× 500 m grid focused on a limited region of the Norwegian coast. This work was extended by Løvholt et al. (2005) to include ideas about how the slide may have moved. A major limitation of these studies was an inability to resolve complex coastlines in the regional models, hence the use of nested models. In particular, no study to date has quantified the effect of increasing coastline

resolution on the numerical simulations. An alternative to nested models is to use a multiscale simulation, where grid resolution varies Cediranib (AZD2171) spatially, often by orders of magnitude (Piggott et al., 2008). Multiscale models often use an unstructured mesh, so in addition can accurately represent complex coastlines and bathymetry without “staircase” effects (Wells et al., 2005). Multiscale modelling then also allows more complex coastal morphologies to be included in the simulation. Here, we use Fluidity—a 3D finite element, non-hydrostatic, numerical model that makes use of unstructured triangular/tetrahedral meshes to enable accurate representations of the domain and allow multiscale simulations of large regions. Fluidity has previously been used to simulate earthquake-generated tsunami (Shaw et al., 2008, Mitchell et al., 2010 and Oishi et al., 2013). Oishi et al. (2013) showed that Fluidity could accurately simulate the 2011 Japanese tsunami and, in particular, was able to represent the dispersive effects of the tsunami by using multiple vertical layers.

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