[1, 7] Although the term headache trigger has rarely been consistently defined,[8] the current version of the International Headache Society[9] defines in its group of headaches attributed to a substance use or exposure, the so-called alcohol-induced headache. It can be caused immediately, or after a delay, by the ingestion of alcoholic beverages. If the headache occurs within
3 hours of alcohol ingestion and resolves within 72 hours after alcohol ingestion has ceased, the headache is classified as immediate alcohol-induced headache ( of the International Classification of Headache Disorders Selleck Fulvestrant [ICHD]-III beta). If it has developed within 5-12 hours after alcohol ingestion and has resolved within 72 hours of onset, it is known as delayed alcohol-induced headache ( of the ICHD-III beta). The alcohol-induced headache has a bilateral and pulsating quality, aggravated by physical activity, and the commonest initiator of headache attacks among alcoholic beverages is definitely wine.[7, 9] Although not without dispute, in some countries at least, by far the most notorious headache trigger is red wine. This is certainly the case in the United Kingdom.[10] White wine and champagne may also trigger attacks.[11] However, red wine is a proven traditional headache trigger even in non-migraineurs,7,12-16 despite the work of a French neurologist from Bordeaux,
Dr. INCB024360 in vivo Pierre Henry, who lectured extensively on the fact that white
wine was a bigger trigger for migraine than the red wine.[17] The reasons why alcohol may induce headache and even hangover syndrome were studied by Maxwell et al, who demonstrated in animal models (rats) that not only ethanol induced delayed trigeminal hypersensitivity, 4 to 6 hours after administration, but also acetate, rapid forming from acetaldehyde, are why in fact the responsible for a suggested induced headache-like pain using a dietary trigger.[18, 19] Specifically with wine triggering headache, it was discussed in depth by Panconesi, who competently dissected the possible substances responsible for initiating an attack.[7] Starting with histamine, which can certainly provoke migraine, it was hypothesized that in patients suffering from histamine intolerance, the high content observed in red wines (20- to 200-fold more than in white wine) could be held responsible for headache occurrence regardless of the existence of migraine. However, a review of studies did not demonstrated differences in headache-attack occurrence between different wine types, beer, and even foods containing high content of histamine. In addition, other symptoms occurring in patients with histamine intolerance do not occur in headache sufferers after the ingestion of wine, as well as no difference was found in the level of plasma diamine-oxidase between red wine sensitive and nonsensitive migraineurs.