0 years, assisted in the Faculty of Medicine Hospital Clinic of Ribeir?o Preto. They were distributed into 2 groups: sellekchem G1 -the experimental group with 52 patients who had undergone Roux �C en �C Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) surgery, and G2- the control group with 50 severely obese patients selected for bariatric surgery. These patients were nonsmokers and only four patients had undergone periodontal treatment; however the periodontal treatment had been performed 2 years before this study was conducted. Stimulated saliva was collected after patients�� chewed paraffin wax for 5 minutes, and spat the saliva into a small cup, after which it was measured with a syringe. The saliva flow was classified as normal (>1.0 mL/min) and as hyposalivation (<1.0 mL/min)10.
Clinical examinations to observe the mean number of decayed, missing or filled teeth (DMFT Index) and periodontal condition (CPI index) were performed in accordance with the World Health Organization criteria.14 The dental wear index was obtained by a modification of the TWI (Tooth Wear Index) described by Sales-Peres et al15 The criteria for examination were: (0-Normal: no evidence of wear; 1-Incipient: tooth wear in enamel; 2- Moderate: tooth wear in dentin; 3- Severe: tooth wear in pulp or secondary dentin; and 4- Restored: tooth wear leading to restoration; 9- Not assessed). The clinical examinations were performed by a previously calibrated dental examiner. Both descriptive and analytical approaches to data analysis were used. Data were analyzed in a personal computer using Statistica Version 7.
Descriptive results were analyzed as relative frequencies. The data were analyzed using the Student��s-t test, Mann Whitney, Spearman��s correlation and Chi-square (��2) tests to verify the association of saliva flow with tooth wear, periodontal diseases and bariatric surgery. The level of significance was P<.05. RESULTS Fifty-two operated patients and 50 obese patients were studied. There were no significant differences between the experimental group (13 men and 39 women) and the control group (14 men and 36 women) as regards gender, and mean age G1-39.6�� 9.6 years and G2- 35.55�� 10.2 years, respectively. The period that had elapsed between surgery and the survey was 16.9��20.7 months. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups for the stimulated salivary flow rate median 0.
65�� 0.47 mL/min (G1-0.64��0.47mL/min and G2- 0.66��0.49 mL/min; P>.05). The majority of patients presented hyposalivation. The mean DMFT index for both groups of patients was 16.08��5.72. After bariatric surgery it was 16.11��5.19 and for the obese patients 16.06��6.29 (Tables 1 and and4).4). No statistically significant difference was found for the DMFT Index (P=0.96). Table 1. Mean DMFT index distribution according to components in the groups. Table 4. Univariate analysis for patients has undergone or will undergo bariatric surgery. There was no correlation between AV-951 saliva flow and DMFT index (r=.