Remarkable advancements in the manipulation of cell fate have spa

Remarkable advancements in the manipulation of cell fate have sparked a massive surge of interest in cell replacement therapies and their application to brain repair. Cell transplantation strategies were tested in humans 30 years ago by first using adrenal medulla cells [1–3], shortly followed by the use of foetal tissue [3,4]. Originally explored for Parkinson’s disease (PD) [3–5], neural grafting has now been performed in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [6–9], multiple sclerosis [10,11], stroke [12,13], spinal cord injury Hydroxychloroquine order [14,15] and Huntington’s disease (HD) [16–22].

Of all neurodegenerative conditions that may be candidates for neural grafting, HD presents particularly significant challenges. The underlying pathology leads to a substantial loss of cerebral tissue and thus a marked atrophy of several brain regions [23]. The neuropathology is especially visible within the striatum [24], with a predominant loss of projection neurones [24,25], and leads to several motor signs which include choreiform movements, rigidity and dystonia [26]. Other regions of degeneration, such as the cortex, lead to clinical features of cognitive, psychiatric and other motor impairments (see review by Cardoso [27]). The clinical diagnosis of HD is confirmed see more by the presence of an abnormal gene that codes for the mutant huntingtin (mHtt) protein in

the presence of the overt clinical features of the disease. That mutant protein is thought to induce cellular dysfunction through a cell-autonomous process

that results in mHtt aggregation, inclusion body formation and cell death [24,28–30]. There is currently no disease-modifying treatment for HD [31]. Experimental approaches using foetal striatal transplants have thus been initiated based on (a) the early success with similar strategies in the treatment of PD [32,33]; (b) the favourable behavioural and anatomical results from preclinical animal studies in models of HD [34–40]; and (c) the lack of adequate treatment for HD, which is invariably fatal [24,31]. As of now, seven independent pilot clinical trials have been conducted worldwide (Table 1) with the purpose of assessing the feasibility, safety and tolerability of this procedure in MTMR9 HD patients [18,19,41]. Although the clinical outcomes reported so far vary between trials, the benefits have generally been marginal, if any, and short-lived. The small number of patients enrolled in these pilot studies and the different approaches used in each trial complicate interpretations and do not allow conclusions to be confidently drawn. Nevertheless, how implanted cells behave in a pathological environment needs to be critically studied if efficacy is to be ever reached using such an approach in larger numbers of patients.

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