e. general education level); third, motivation is stable at least in medium term (four months). To our mind, the NSP approach with its double roots in context based science learning and design principles inspired by Anchored Instruction has shown its raison d´être in that it shows useful benefits, and it does so with a classroom setting and learning media which are inexpensive in time and money, flexible and easy to modify, thus meeting important demands of practitioners. We will now turn to some implications and perspectives for both future research and classroom practice. Guided by the above-mentioned
exhortations (Bennett et al., 2007, Seidel and Shavelson, 2007 and Taasoobshirazi Ion Channel Ligand Library datasheet and Carr, 2008), the following research questions should be further examined in the theoretical and methodological framework of the present study: 1. To investigate further generalizability and flexibility as essential
features of classroom implementation, research will be expanded to other populations (e.g. age groups, school types and educational levels) and subject matters (in physics and other sciences). In particular, the applicability of the approach for students with low educational level deserves further attention. In the present study, medium academic level schools within the three-level system of German secondary education Dolutegravir in vitro were included, and no influence of general or disciplinary level (regarded as covariates) was found. But there is a 3rd school type (“Hauptschule”) with generally lowest academic level and socio-cultural background, and where the applicability of the approach will be investigated, too. Moreover, the following issue is of considerable theoretical Montelukast Sodium and practical interest: a factor common to many context based approaches is “authenticity”
and relatedness to real life. It is quite current in CBSE to consider “authenticity” as so essential for “context”, that the two form a kind of natural unit, such that the combined terms “authentic contexts” often occur almost inseparately (see e.g. in science education Schwartz et al., 2004, Aikenhead, 2006 and PISA-Konsortium Deutschland (Ed.), 2008; in general education Vosniadou, 2001, Herrington and Herrington, 2006 and Sawyer, 2009). But it is authenticity for the learner, which is the crucial point, i.e. her or his subjective perception, not authenticity for the teacher nor researcher. For a better understanding, which factor might make a particular form of CBSE more successful than another, one thus needs (among other things) an instrument to assess perceived authenticity as manipulation check.