Delayed ventral GFP::RAB-3 elimination in cyy-1 mutants ( Figure 2D, green-lined black-filled) selleck kinase inhibitor was rescued by specific expression of CYY-1 in DDs ( Figure 2D, purple-lined black-filled). These results indicate that CYY-1 acts cell autonomously in DDs. Taken together, the delayed GFP::RAB-3 elimination in the cyy-1 mutants and the accelerated GFP::RAB-3 elimination in CYY-1-overexpressing animals argue that CYY-1 is required for the elimination of existing GFP::RAB-3 presynaptic structures in the ventral process. Consistent with our finding of CYY-1 in ventral GFP::RAB-3 elimination during DD synaptic remodeling, distribution of CYY-1 in DDs shifts to ventral from dorsal processes
during the remodeling (Figure S4), further supporting its role in ventral synapses. Interestingly, careful inspection of cdk-5 and cyy-1 loss and gain of function of animals revealed both similarities and differences
click here in their DD remodeling phenotypes. Specifically, in cdk-5 mutants, formation of new dorsal GFP::RAB-3 is significantly delayed compared to wild-type worms ( Figure 3B, insets of B4–B6 compared to those of B1–B3; Figure 3D, green-lined gray-filled compared to red-lined gray-filled; quantified in Figure 3G). Moreover, by 26 hr, none of cdk-5 mutants showed completed remodeling ( Figure 3D, green-lined gray-filled at 26 hr; quantified in Figure 3F), suggesting that similar to CYY-1, CDK-5 is also required for the completion of the remodeling process. To determine whether CYY-1 and CDK-5 play similar roles in DD remodeling, we performed gain-of-function experiments by overexpressing CDK-5 in DD neurons of wild-type worms. Transgenic worms overexpressing CDK-5 show accelerated remodeling at the early time points 16 and 18 hr after egg laying compared to wild-type (Figure 3E; Figure 3C, inset of C4 compared to that of C1; Figure 3D, yellow-lined gray-filled
compared to red-lined gray-filled; quantified in Figure 3G). Interestingly, the intensity of ventral GFP::RAB-3 was not affected Cell press in worms overexpressing CDK-5 (Figure 3F), implying that, unlike CYY-1, CDK-5 is probably not directly involved in the elimination of ventral GFP::RAB-3. Instead, CDK-5 appears to affect the clearance of RAB-3 through other mechanisms. The remodeling phenotype in cdk-5 mutants ( Figure 3D, green) was rescued by overexpressing CDK-5 in DD neurons ( Figure 3D, purple), indicating that CDK-5 acts cell autonomously in DD neurons. The aforementioned data suggest that although both CYY-1 and CDK-5 are required for DD synaptic remodeling, their specific functions might be different. Our data indicate that CYY-1 promotes the removal of ventral GFP::RAB-3 puncta, while CDK-5 promotes the assembly of dorsal GFP::RAB-3 puncta. To further test this model, we investigated the epistatic relationship between these two genes.