A second problem could be the possible increase of complication rates since the endocardial and epicardial procedures are performed separately. see more hybrid PROCEDURE VERSUS SURGICAL ABLATION By replacing the incisions of the traditional Cox maze III procedure with less invasive linear lesions of ablation using bipolar radiofrequency energy, Damiano et al. introduced the Coxmaze IV procedure. This procedure requires cardiopulmonary bypass and at least one small right thoracotomy. The freedom fromatrial fibrillation recurrence was 84% at 2 years for patients off antiarrhythmic drugs.10 These figures are comparable with Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical our results, although, in the case of the hybrid procedure,
no cardiopulmonary bypass is needed and neither is a thoracotomy. We know that none of the existing surgical ablation technologies (even bipolar radiofrequency energy) can guarantee complete transmurality.11 We solved this limitation by the addition of endocardial mapping and, in the case of incomplete lesions, application Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of radiofrequency energy endocardially. Another shortcoming of the surgical approach is the inability to locate Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical atrial fibrillation triggers precisely, or to map atrial tachycardia and re-entrant arrhythmias known to occur during atrial fibrillation ablation procedures. Utilization of a hybrid procedure makes it is
possible to perform extensive mapping in order Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to tailor the lesion set to the patient’s diagnostic characteristics. Finally, if the surgical procedure is performed epicardially on the beating heart, with current devices, it is technically impossible to create a linear lesion across the left and right isthmus towards the tricuspid and/or mitral valve annulus. Both of these lesions can be performed with a hybrid approach. Nonetheless only a randomized study with a significant number of patients will be able to demonstrate a preferred technique according to the classification of atrial fibrillation and its complication rate. HYBRID PROCEDURE VERSUS SURGICAL ABLATION WITH EPICARDIAL MAPPING Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Lockwood et al. described a technique for assessing conduction
block across surgical lesions based on epicardial mapping.18 They identified gaps in linear lesions by pacing the atrium epicardially on one side of the ablation line and mapping the direction of atrial activation on the opposite side of the lesion. Transmurality of linear lesions was also ADP ribosylation factor assessed by reduction of atrial electrogram potential amplitude along the linear lesion and the development of double atrial potentials along the ablation line. Using radiofrequency devices, they achieved complete block across linear lesions in the first set of radiofrequency applications in only 21%. Several factors like epicardial fat and local myocardial thickness limited the depth of penetration of radiofrequency and thus the creation of transmural lesions.